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Gomez is best known for films and TV series "Wizards of Waverly Place, " "Another Cinderella Story, " "Princess Protection Program", "Hannah Montana, " "Spy Kids 3: Game Over." In 2009 he published a feature film on the TV series "Wizards of Waverly Place" called "Wizards of Waverly Place in the movies." Prior to his participation in the Disney film, she played one of the children's roles in children's television show "Barney & Friends." There she starred with his longtime girlfriend - Demi Lovato. In 2008 she signed with Hollywood Records studio and made his musical contribution to the animated "Tinker Bell" movie "Another Cinderella Story, " "Princess Protection Program" and the TV series "Wizards of Waverly Place." Together with her band Selena Gomez & the Scene released their debut album, Kiss & Tell, which was released in the U.S. in September 2009. Her song «One and the same» has been included in the album Pop it, rock it, which included lyrics Miley Cyrus, Emily Osment, soundtracks and other songs. Selena Gomez song belongs to the style of pop rock, dance-pop, synthpop. In 2010, Selena played a major role in the film "Ramona and Bizus" [6] [7] and "Monte Carlo" [6] [7]. Also in 2010 voiced the Princess in the village of Luc Besson's film "Arthur and the War of two worlds." There was a guest star in the TV series "Give Sonny a Chance, " at the 13th series of a season.
In 12 years, according to a common tradition in the United States Selena wore "purity ring" [8], which means that it has pledged to keep her virginity before marriage [9] reported in the spring of 2011, Gomez took off the ring [10]. Gomez talks about his great love for animals, living in her home five dogs. In January 2011, Gomez began to receive threats via Twitter about the murder of Justin Bieber fans, after they saw the pictures, where Selena and Justin kiss [11]. June 10, 2011 Selena was urgently admitted to hospital with nausea and severe headaches after taking part in the show The Tonight Show [12]. June 13, 2011, it was reported that the cause of illness Gomez were physical exhaustion and food poisoning [13].
Kiss & Tell September 29, 2009 4 A Year Without Rain September 21, 2010 When the Sun Goes Down June 28, 2011
2002 with Barney and Friends Barney & Friends Gianna £ 2003 Spy Kids 3: Game Over Spy Kids 3-D: Game Over Girl In Water Park 2005-2008 All with a tiptop, or Life of Zack and Cody Suite Life of Zack and Cody, The Gwen £ 2005 Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial by Fire (English), Russian. Walker, Texas Ranger: Trial by Fire, Julie TF 2006 Brain Zapped Emily Grace Garcia 2006-2011 with Hannah Montana Hannah Montana Makeyla 2007 Arvin! Arwin! Alex From 2007-2012 Wizards of Waverly Place Wizards of Waverly Place Alex Russo 2007 rph And he thinks Stevie? What's Stevie Thinking? Stevie Sanchez 2008 MF Horton Horton Hears a Who! Helga (voice) £ 2008 Another Cinderella Story Another Cinderella Story Mary Santiago 2008-2011 All with a tiptop, or Life on board the The Suite Life on Deck Alex Russo £ 2009 Barney: Countdown Barney: Top 20 Countdown Gianna 2009 rph Princess Protection Program Princess Protection Program Carter 2009 rph Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie Alex Rousseau 2009 MF Arthur and the Revenge of Maltazard Arthur et la Vengeance de Maltazard Villages (voice) £ 2010 Ramona and Bizus Ramona and Beezus Quimby Bizus (English) Russian. 2010 MF Arthur and the Two Worlds War Arthur et la guerre des deux mondes Villages (voice) £ 2011 Monte Carlo Monte Carlo Grace £ 2012 Hotel "Transylvania» Hotel Transylvania Mavis, voice £ 2013 Spring Break Spring Breakers
Why "Gomez"? In my opinion, "Gomez" and correctly pronounced in English anologichno. 13:26, 24 August 2010 (UTC) In my opinion, too. Well, the English «z» a "c" can not read. but it never even none renamed so that it is probably true) AliceBell 12:01, 13 January 2011 (UTC) Gomez - a Spanish surname, and hence Z is read as C - Valdis72 12:41, 13 January 2011 (UTC) This is true in the Spanish letter "s" there, but Selena - not Spanish, and American, living in the U.S. and performs songs in English. And she is best known in the U.S., and on television in English her name priznositsya as "Gomez». Alice Bell =) 14:22, 1 March 2011 (UTC) Do you think this changes the nature of the case? Surname - Spanish, pronounced it as "Gomez" and not "Gomez"! TatyanaR 19:18, 1 March 2011 (UTC) I saw somewhere that the Russian Gomez wrote, and I think that's right! It is easier to pronounce Gomez than Gomez, I am even looking for the pronunciation and writing, I think Gomez is a true test! nastya2.95.72.216 11:21, 7 November 2011 (UTC ), 11/07/11. See above, then an encyclopedia and not the press and not a search. Need to write correctly, and not as easy to pronounce. Here are illiterate and smashed on the floor, internet writing her name as Gomez. Relearn and learn (Russian language too). In real life useful. - Valdis72 11:54, 7 November 2011 (UTC) Why the line is removed, filmography? The source, of course you can put down, but the source to the rest of the rows in the article does not, put a special source of this line, in this situation is not logical. There is no such movie. In the English-wiki can write all-anything. No need to copy, check. - Valdis72 02:26, 12 November 2011 (UTC) Yet, the 2012 will, here's just one link, the Russian-speaking http://gomez-love.blog.tut.by/2011/04/28/novyie-podrobnosti-o-filme-trinadtsat-prichin-pochemu/ Blogs are not authoritative sources, and refer to them in the EP is not accepted. - Valdis72 16:56, 12 December 2011 (UTC) Correctly spelled "Gomez", as in the English language is the name "Gomes (Gomes)" NikitaShalatov 14:32, 10 December 2011 (UTC) Exactly what "Gomes", and what have you, that she was from Texas? TatyanaR 16:54, 10 December 2011 (UTC) My God, why students always give a damn about the rules of the language, but always climbing all learn. First, the Spanish name (in this case borrowed through Mexico) Americans pronounce by c. That is why the English gradually emerged last name like Gomes, etc. They even coffee in the French manner pronounce. A "since I heard" among linguists, it is better not to say in order to avoid :). But who will be able to in the English pronunciation of this name to hear it clearly, or z, you should certainly put up a monument. "It is easier to say" do not go anywhere, let us write down cars, is easier. Mistery Spectre 16:38, 12 December 2011 (UTC) I would like to say that the show Wizards of Waverley Place in the opening credits (in Russian), it referred to as Gomez! NikitaShalatov 12:32, 4 January 2012 (UTC) This is one of the options, namely the version of CTC. Kris7 00:14, 1 February 2012 (UTC) Kris7 Kris7 00:14, 1 February 2012 (UTC) Who knows how our channels pronounce the names of actors, it has no power. Mistery Spectre 12:34, 4 January 2012 (U She also has a separate album, titled Wizards of Waverley Place = Julia- The correct spelling - "GomeZ", but the correct pronunciation - "Gomez" (because of Spanish origin). We and Ashley Tisdale CTC manages to sign as "Ashlee Tisdal" - and now what? If we focus on the channels, then guided to the "Disney Channel" (if their movies), but not in the STS. Kris7 00:12, 1 February 2012 (UTC) Kris7 Kris7 00:12, 1 February 2012 (UTC)
Official Website Official website of Selena Gomez on Facebook Official website of Selena Gomez (in English) on the website Myspace Selena Gomez's official channel on YouTube Gomez Selena on Twitter Selena Gomez (English) at the Internet Movie Database Selena Gomez on People Magazine Selena Gomez in TV Guide
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American actress of film, television and sound, comedienne, singer, composer, songwriter, guitarist, Udarnitsa, pianist and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador. In the movie, became famous with the role of Alex Russo in TV series "Wizards of Waverly Place" (2007), for which the award was Kids' Choice Awards (2009, 2010) and ALMA Award (2009).
Since 2009 Selena - lead singer of successful pop-rock band Selena Gomez & the Scene.
Selenium is known for its charitable activities. She is a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF, in 2009, becoming the youngest member of the Fund in its history.
Selena Marie Gomez was born on July 22, 1992 in Grand Prairie (English), Russian. (Texas, USA) in a family of Mandy Cornett and Ricardo Gomez. Selena's father - a Mexican and his mother is Italian and British origin [2]. Gomez got his name in honor of the popular ones, the singer Selena [3]. When she was 5 years old, her parents divorced. His mother, stage actress, one daughter and his example inspired her choice of artistic activity. In 2006 her mother married Mandy Bryan Tifi [4]. In May 2010, Selena won a diploma for the completed secondary education in the home .
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