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12 февраля 2012 года
12 лет 8 месяцев 23 дня
07 сентября 2013 в 19:16:44
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American actress and singer
Cinema, theater, music, etc
Drake Bell, Rock, Сlassic music, Leave It All to Me, etc
Drake and Josh, School of Rock, Matrix, Merry Christmas, Drake & Josh, etc
I've read a lot of them
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I was born on May 14, 1993 in Los Angeles, California. My mom Christen Cosgrove, my dad Tom Cosgrove. My parents did not know that I would be a star, but I have opened their abilities at a young age. In the three years I was dancing and singing in the restaurant «Taste of LA». There came a talent agent was struck by my singing and dancing, and immediately entered into a contract with mnoi. I have appeared in several commercials Burger King, McDonalds and other companies. But my career was not limited to advertisements - she also auditioned for many roles, and I finally got her first role, which is only the beginning of my career. I was chosen among 1,000 candidates for the role in the movie "School of Rock". Filming in the "School of Rock" in New York, called me and said that I was taken to the show «Drake and Josh». I landed the role of the younger sister of Drake and Josh in the series «Drake and Josh» on the channel «Nickelodeon». In 2005 I was asked to star in the movie "Yours, Mine and Ours." I also starred in a series of TV series «Unfabulous», which also goes by «Nickelodeon». My success was not the limit. Finally, «Nickelodeon» decided that I should open my own show. Now I am in the series «iCarly» and play a major role. «Nickelodeon» also thought of my career as a singer. My songs are in "Drake and Josh", at the beginning of my own series "iCarly". In 2010, he released my debut album Sparks Fly, and in 2011 came out High Maintenance. In 2010, I voiced a character animated film "Despicable Me" I - Margot. Hit show iCarly brought me more than just give the glory, it gave me the opportunity to start my career as a singer. It all began with the iCarly theme song called "Leave it all to me." Most people agree that I have a number of these talents. In 2013, I will be acting in TV series "Girlfriend in a coma." With me on the show will be shot Christina Ricci in the title role. Also in 2013, is the continuation of the animated film "Despicable Me," where I voiced the character Margo.
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