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21 мая 2012 года
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06 марта 2025 в 12:36:00
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Kalafina, FictionJunction, Nickelback, Lostprophets, Disturbed, Mudvayne, Hinder, Seether, Shinedown, Papa Roach, Sylwia Grzeszczak, Nobuo Uematsu, Shoji Meguro, Yoko Shimomura, Yasunori Mitsuda, Yuki Kajiura
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А. Дюма - "Две Дианы", "Сорок Пять", И. Вазов - "Под Игом", М. Шолохов: "Тихий Дон", Ян Коллар - "Дочь Славы", И. Гончаров - "Обломов", И. Андрич - "Мост на Дрине"
PERSONA4, Kingdom Hearts II, Final Fantasy VI, IX, XII, Breath of Fire IV, Chrono Trigger, Chrono Cross, Xenosaga Episode II, III, Eiyuu Densetsu VI: Sora no Kiseki, Gran Turismo 5
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The truth is unattainable. It will always be shrouded in fog. Though you reach through the murk and gloom to grasp something, you have no means to know it is the truth. In which case, why? What sense is there in yearning for the truth? Close your eyes, lie to yorself. Live in blissful ignorance. It's a much smarter way to exist.
You can only truly know a finite number of people within your lifetime. But humans disregard that fact and try to know more people than is possible. Thus your ever-present anxiety. Your anxiety causes you to see only what you want to see and believe only what you wish to believe.
The moment man devoured the fruit of knowledge he sealed his fate. Entrusting his future to the cards man clings into a dim hope. Yes, the arcana is the means by which all is revealed... Beyond the beaten path lies the absolute end. It matters not who you are. Death awaits you.
It is indeed a precious gift to understand forces that guide oneself.
A human race, fearful in its weakness built this world in a futile attempt to elude the abyss they call mortality. Culture, civilisation, all delusions created by a powerless race and of a little use like a barren woman...
Humans twist even the myths to their own gains.
In order for peorle to be happy, they need some kind of goal. It's necessary for people to pray, think, and live law-abiding lives. People have too much free time.
In order to survive, all living things in this world fight desperately and devour those they defeat... Must one kill other living things in order to survive? Must one destroy another world in order to allow one's own world to continue? The wounded in turn wound and torment those weaker than they themselves are... There are only the killers and the killed... The sinners who are judged, and the victims that do the judging. What meaning is there to such a world?
History is composed of choices and divergences. Each choice you make creates a new world and brings forth a new future. But at the same time, you're eliminating a different future with the choices you didn't make.
Тролль, лжец и Grammar Nazi
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