Selena-Marie Gomezrial, 32 года, Los Angeles - полная информация о профиле человека

фотография Selena-Marie Gomezrial

Selena-Marie Gomezrial

Информации о личной жизни Selena-Marie не найдено

Пользователь решил не оставлять личного статуса на своей страничке.


Можно листать свайпом, увеличивать по клику

Основная информация о Gomezrial Selena-Marie

  • Имя


  • Фамилия


  • Девичья фамилия


  • Пол


  • День рождения


  • Месяц рождения


  • Год рождения


  • Дата рождения


  • Полных лет


  • Кто по гороскопу


  • Страна

    Не указана

  • Родной город

    ๑۩۩๑ Grand Prairie, Texas, USA) live in๑۩۩๑ Los Angeles ๑۩۩๑

  • Город проживания

    Los Angeles

  • Электронная почта (email)


  • Номер телефона

    Не известен

  • Владение языками

    English, Italiano, Español

  • Twitter

    Не указан

  • LiveJournal

    Не указан

  • Skype

    selena gomez

  • VK ссылка


  • Личный сайт https://twimg0-a.akamaihd.n

Основная информация о её VK профиле

  • Галочка верификации


  • Дата регистрации профиля ВКонтакте

    24 июня 2012 года

  • Прошло после регистрации

    12 лет 8 месяцев 18 дней

  • Онлайн ли сейчас


  • Когда была онлайн

    21 октября 2012 в 15:54:29

  • С какого устройства заходила

    С компьютера

  • ID профиля


  • Никнейм (псевдоним)

    Короткий адрес страницы (домен, никнейм) не задан

Настройки приватности страницы Selena-Marie

  • Можно ли отправить личное сообщение?

    Такая возможность отключена

  • Разрешены ли записи на стене?


  • Статус профиля VK


  • Доступ к аудиозаписям


Наполнение страницы

  • Сколько подписчиков


  • Сколько друзей


  • Подарки


  • Заметки

    Нет данных

  • Фотоальбомы


  • Фотографии


  • Видеозаписи


  • Аудиозаписи


  • Группы


  • Паблики


Где училась и работала

  • Школа

    American Musical & Dramatic Academy
    At Danny Dzhounsa's high school in Texas, then I passed to house training

  • ВУЗ

    American Musical and Dramatic Academy - LA Campus
    Los Angeles,

  • Работа

    Информация не указана или скрыта настройками приватности

Хобби, интересы, увлечения

  • Деятельность

    I want that those which value my friendship have added this desire))))))))))) **** I in life want сделать:1. To fall in love with life 2. Not to sleep all night long 3. To go on the sea 4. In the fulness of the heart to embrace the person 5. To escape from a huge dog 6. To grow up a cactus 7. To buy мр3 a player 8. To get two cats 9. To walk in a blizzard 10. To win in гляделки 11. To lose the friend 12. To get acquainted and make friends with the person who was born this very day, as I 13. To walk without an umbrella in the rain 14. To walk in loneliness 15. To stroke a tiger 16. With running start to run in in water 17. To fall in love with a decline 18. To stay in loneliness some days 19. To get drunk 20. To break a window 21. To offend the person 22. To skate on roller-skaters all the day long 23. To jump with a parachute 24. To speak with the girl (guy) all the day long 25. To live together with darling 26. To sew the finger to a jacket 27. To fall in a deep hole 28. Strongly to be frightened 29. To present something valuable to somebody 30. To talk by phone some hours 31. To fall in love 32. To stop loving 33. To begin to hate 34. To lose the way in wood 35. To climb in an ice fountain and long in it to splash. 36. To sleep in tent 37. To pass by train seven days. 38. To do some flying by the plane 39. To break ware 40. To be in good mood in the afternoon on January, 1st 41. To kill a mosquito, got drunk blood 42. To take in palms the live butterfly 43. To fall asleep under favourite music 44. To eat a potato baked in a fire 45. To spend all the day long on the sun 46. To search in the star sky for bright stars and constellations 47. To forget about something very important 48. To correspond sms of half-night 49. To spend last Internet for reading of diaries. 50. To sing a karaoke 51. To eat alone a chocolate 52. All the day to read 53. To smile weepingly 54. Five times to watch from beginning to end one film 55. To tell to the person in eyes that “it is time to stop dialogue”. 56. To a pain to clap 57. To dance to exhaustion 58. To Give up smoking 59. To kiss a photo 60. To construct the lock of sand 61. Not to sleep at night during a thunder-storm 62. To begin to hate itself, and then to fall in love again 63. To notice in a film a silly error 64. To climb on a tree 65. To fall in love with that most of all hated 66. Cardinally to change the life 67. To find a favourite trade 68. To win in dispute 69. To eat too much to a nausea of a strawberry 70. To include on very big loudness music and to listen with pleasure 71. To cry three hours on end 72. To anybody not to talk days because of insult 73. To break a nettle barehanded 74. To sing a song without music 75. To sing chorus on a scene 76. To act сольно on a scene before a large quantity of people 77. To photograph an animal 78. To bake a pie 79. To photograph the sky 80. To fight about a wall 81. To listen to totally ludicrous from other person 82. To descend on someone's concert 83. All the day long to stay behind a computer 84. To try to commit suicide 85. To be cut with a paper 85. To receive painful shock 86. To try to swim there, where to you knee-deep 87. To Receive as a gift a beautiful porcelain doll 88. To fall from a ladder 89. To find something new to itself 90. To put on a wedding dress 91. To read the big

  • Интересы

    Не указано или скрыто

  • Любимая музыка

    Не указано или скрыто

  • Любимые фильмы

    Не указано или скрыто

  • Любимые книги

    Не указано или скрыто

  • Любимые игры

    Не указано или скрыто

  • Любимые TV-шоу

    Скрыто или не указано

  • Любимые цитаты

    «I was never one of those girls who try to imitate others and to be on their similar appearance. I think, you'll look better, if the will of the party from the masses» «I'm going to be in a band, and not to be complicit around itself. And I don't want to be a solo artist. Basically I want to make a funny music, under which will be fun and children, and parents. Just to have a good time

  • О себе

    My favorite ice cream: "DAD" and "Rocky Road", with lots of almonds, chocolate and marshmallow:) I like to use pseudonyms: I do not know how to play [bowling], but I think it's really fun. I like to call a different name "people from the screen, such as Princess Fancypants or Cheryl Cole!

Жизненная позиция

  • Главным в жизни считает

    Скрыто или не заполнено

  • Главным в людях считает

    Скрыто или не заполнено

  • Политические предпочтения

    Скрыто или не заполнено

  • Источники вдохновения

    I want that those зайки which value my friendship have added this desire))))))))))) **** I in life want сделать:1. To fall in love with life 2. Not to sleep all night long 3. To go on the sea 4. In the fulness of the heart to embrace the person 5. To escape from a huge dog 6. To grow up a cactus 7. To buy мр3 a player 8. To get two cats 9. To walk in a blizzard 10. To win in гляделки 11. To lose the friend 12. To get acquainted and make friends with the person who was born this very day, as I 13. To walk without an umbrella in the rain 14. To walk in loneliness 15. To stroke a tiger 16. With running start to run in in water 17. To fall in love with a decline 18. To stay in loneliness some days 19. To get drunk 20. To break a window 21. To offend the person 22. To skate on roller-skaters all the day long 23. To jump with a parachute 24. To speak with the girl (guy) all the day long 25. To live together with darling 26. To sew the finger to a jacket 27. To fall in a deep hole 28. Strongly to be frightened 29. To present something valuable to somebody 30. To talk by phone some hours 31. To fall in love 32. To stop loving 33. To begin to hate 34. To lose the way in wood 35. To climb in an ice fountain and long in it to splash. 36. To sleep in tent 37. To pass by train seven days. 38. To do some flying by the plane 39. To break ware 40. To be in good mood in the afternoon on January, 1st 41. To kill a mosquito, got drunk blood 42. To take in palms the live butterfly 43. To fall asleep under favourite music 44. To eat a potato baked in a fire 45. To spend all the day long on the sun 46. To search in the star sky for bright stars and constellations 47. To forget about something very important 48. To correspond sms of half-night 49. To spend last Internet for reading of diaries. 50. To sing a karaoke 51. To eat alone a chocolate 52. All the day to read 53. To smile weepingly 54. Five times to watch from beginning to end one film 55. To tell to the person in eyes that “it is time to stop dialogue”. 56. To a pain to clap 57. To dance to exhaustion 58. To Give up smoking 59. To kiss a photo 60. To construct the lock of sand 61. Not to sleep at night during a thunder-storm 62. To begin to hate itself, and then to fall in love again 63. To notice in a film a silly error 64. To climb on a tree 65. To fall in love with that most of all hated 66. Cardinally to change the life 67. To find a favourite trade 68. To win in dispute 69. To eat too much to a nausea of a strawberry 70. To include on very big loudness music and to listen with pleasure 71. To cry three hours on end 72. To anybody not to talk days because of insult 73. To break a nettle barehanded 74. To sing a song without music 75. To sing chorus on a scene 76. To act сольно on a scene before a large quantity of people 77. To photograph an animal 78. To bake a pie 79. To photograph the sky 80. To fight about a wall 81. To listen to totally ludicrous from other person 82. To descend on someone's concert 83. All the day long to stay behind a computer 84. To try to commit suicide 85. To be cut with a paper 85. To receive painful shock 86. To try to swim there, where to you knee-deep 87. To Receive as a gift a beautiful porcelain doll 88. To fall from a ladder 89. To find something new to itself 90. To put on a wedding dre

  • Мировоззрение

    Скрыто или не заполнено

  • Как относится к алкоголю

    Скрыто или не заполнено

  • Как относится к курению

    Скрыто или не заполнено

Список друзей

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Страница сформирована в реальном времени на основе API-ответа от ВКонтакте, содержащего только открытые данные профиля, которые НЕ были скрыты настройками приватности. Сайт НЕ собирает и НЕ хранит данные пользователей ВКонтакте.

Предупреждаем о том, что проекты компании Meta (Facebook, Instagram), как и она сама, признаны на территории Российской Федерации террористическими и экстремистскими, соответственно, запрещёнными.
