Emma Hewitt, Geelong - полная информация о профиле человека

фотография Emma Hewitt

Emma Hewitt

Информации о личной жизни Emma не найдено

Hello everyone, finally I'm here ;)xox


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Основная информация о Hewitt Emma

  • Имя


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  • Девичья фамилия

    Не указана

  • Пол


  • День рождения


  • Месяц рождения


  • Год рождения


  • Дата рождения


  • Полных лет


  • Кто по гороскопу


  • Страна

    Не указана

  • Родной город


  • Город проживания


  • Электронная почта (email)


  • Номер телефона

    Известен, но скрыт

  • Владение языками


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    Не указан

  • LiveJournal

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  • Skype

    Не указан

  • VK ссылка


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Основная информация о её VK профиле

  • Галочка верификации


  • Дата регистрации профиля ВКонтакте

    29 октября 2013 года

  • Прошло после регистрации

    11 лет 4 месяца 5 дней

  • Онлайн ли сейчас


  • Когда была онлайн

    06 февраля 2017 в 16:49:08

  • С какого устройства заходила

    С мобильного телефона

  • ID профиля


  • Никнейм (псевдоним)


Настройки приватности страницы Emma

  • Можно ли отправить личное сообщение?

    Такая возможность отключена

  • Разрешены ли записи на стене?


  • Статус профиля VK


  • Доступ к аудиозаписям


Наполнение страницы

  • Сколько подписчиков


  • Сколько друзей


  • Подарки


  • Заметки

    Нет данных

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  • Фотографии


  • Видеозаписи


  • Аудиозаписи


  • Группы


  • Паблики


Где училась и работала

  • Школа

    Информация не указана или скрыта настройками приватности

  • ВУЗ

    Информация не указана или скрыта настройками приватности

  • Работа

    Информация не указана или скрыта настройками приватности

Хобби, интересы, увлечения

  • Деятельность

    Australian vocalist, songwriter

  • Интересы

    Follow me on - https://twitter.com/emhewitt http://followgram.me/emmahewittofficial

  • Любимая музыка

    Bjork, Sarah McLachlan, Shirley Manson, The Knife, Beth Orton, Ryan Adams, Depeche Mode, M83, The Eurythmics, Tori Amos

  • Любимые фильмы

    Не указано или скрыто

  • Любимые книги

    Не указано или скрыто

  • Любимые игры

    Не указано или скрыто

  • Любимые TV-шоу

    Скрыто или не указано

  • Любимые цитаты

    Не указано или скрыто

  • О себе

    Few voices are as instantly recognizable as that of Australian born songstress, Emma Hewitt. Hewitt’s haunting melodies, yearning lyrics and distinctive style have earned her a legion of passionate fans around the world as she continues to write and release music with some of the world’s most respected names in electronic dance music. The journey began back in the Australian town of Geelong, Victoria where Emma would perform acoustically around the region through her teenage years. “Music was a form of escape for me and not something I ever consciously set out to follow as a career path. I was always inspired to ask questions; of myself as well as others and I guess over time those questions just sort of grew wings and turned into songs”. Those songs led to an early record deal with Sony Music for her project ‘Missing Hours’. The relationship was brief, but provided Emma with an invaluable insight into the music industry setting the stage for things to come. “I was never very comfortable that first time around – I felt as though I was trying to figure out what I wanted to say and who I wanted to be with a lot of different people watching on through a microscope. The over analyzing didn’t make sense to me as I just wanted to write songs that might mean something to people – and all of a sudden these things I’d never really considered like marketing strategies and budgets became more important to the people around me. I was out walking with my brother one day and I had this epiphany and just said, ‘screw it’ – I want to burn this all down and dream it back to life the way I had imagined it. I wanted to give the songs the respect I felt they deserved”. And dream it back to life she did. Emma’s very first EDM collaboration with UK heavyweight Chris Lake yielded the worldwide smash ‘Carry Me Away’ knocking Britney Spears out of the #1 position on the U.S Billboard Chart (Hot Dance Airplay) going on to spend over 50 weeks in the Top 100. From there, Emma teamed up with German icons Cosmic Gate for the classic anthem ‘Not Enough Time’ and Dutch superstar DJ Dash Berlin for the mega hit, ‘Waiting’. ‘Waiting’ firmly cemented Emma Hewitt’s reputation as a serious international talent earning Hewitt many accolades including a #1 on the Global Trance Charts, #2 on the illustrious A State Of Trance Annual Countdown and an International Dance Music Award (Best Euro/HiNRG Track) at the 2010 Winter Music Conference in Miami. A string of #1 Beatport releases followed throughout a particularly fertile period in 2010 and with a wealth on new material, a new record label in Armada Music and a desire to push the creative envelope, she undertook the extraordinary measure of producing her debut artist release as a double album project. “My only real goal with the album was to be faithful to the songs regardless of style or genre – I guess with the double sided concept, I just wanted to give as much music as I could back to whoever wanted or needed to hear it. I also wanted this album to show some of the different sides to my personality”. Produced by Lee Groves (Goldfrapp, Marilyn Manson, Depeche Mode), ‘Burn The Sky Down’ was an instant favorite with fans around the world debuting in the Top 10 on the iTunes dance charts in seven different countries fusing electronic beats with ambient soundscapes, and live instrumentation with Hewitt’s inimitable vocal style at the fore. The remix album features some of the world’s most respected remix artists including Armin van Buuren, Grammy nominated Morgan Page and Cosmic Gate and a remix by young Danish virtuoso, Mikkas, provided Emma’s longest ever run at #1 on the Beatport Trance Chart spending over five weeks straight in the #1 position. A live acoustic EP titled ‘Starting Fires’ followed suit and charted in over 20 countries in the iTunes Top 20 dance charts in over 20 countries further highlighting Hewitt’s versatility.

Жизненная позиция

  • Главным в жизни считает

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  • Главным в людях считает

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  • Политические предпочтения

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  • Источники вдохновения


  • Мировоззрение

    Скрыто или не заполнено

  • Как относится к алкоголю

    Скрыто или не заполнено

  • Как относится к курению

    Скрыто или не заполнено

Список друзей

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