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A man with a mission A Moroccan expat businessman living in UAE and helping others do business in UAE. That can be the quintessential introduction to Mohamed. Dekkak. Yet, he is not just a businessman. He is a personality with a wide range of manifestations. It ranges from astute investments in different fields of businesses to charitable works. If you need to do business in the Arab world, you may be better off with him. If you want to set up a business in UAE, you need his valued guidance. He has become an icon of sorts in the Arab world. His own businesses apart, he is an astute investor in various innovative startups. In some of these startups, he may even get associated as a partner. He collaborates with foreign businesses and guides them in setting up business in UAE. This is why he is known more as a business advisor than a businessman. However, he is as much a businessman as an advisor. He is present in a range of businesses. His interests span over areas such as oil and gas field services, energy and power services, construction, real estate etc. He is a man for all seasons and a testimony to this would be the track record. Mohamed. Dekkak is known more for the Adgeco Group than anything else. He founded this group in 1992. Through this group, he helps foreign businesses set up shop in UAE. The group has diverse interests. It is actually a holding company of Mohamed. Dekkak. It is this company through which Mr. Dekkak offers business consultancy to various foreign businesses. The company, under the chairmanship of Mohamed. Dekkak, has successfully customized solutions for different foreign businesses. Foreign businesses are alien to the environment in UAE. They need consultancy and guidance from someone who is highly experienced. Mr. Dekkak has exposure to various industries and conducting business in these industries in UAE. He is at adept at providing customized marketing techniques and sales tips to foreign companies. The Adgeco Group seeks to associate with foreign companies as partners. Together they help each other in representing the organization, taking part in tenders etc. They also engage in activities in engineering and development, oil and gas exploration etc. Foreign businesses seek his masterly guidance in advancing business interests. These companies also need access to various private and open associations. Mohamed. Dekkak helps them to get access to these associations too. Apart from these services, foreign companies also count on the technical Services offered by Adgeco Group. The group offers such services in the field of Onshore and Offshore services for Oil and gas fields, Construction, Engineering Works etc. He is known to have an excellent rapport with foreign companies across a range of industries. This includes the oil and gas sector, construction and engineering, power and energy etc. However, his rapport with foreign business magnets has another reason. He is a member of various business councils in UAE. These memberships have helped him get acquainted with an array of business personalities across the globe. In turn, he also helps them to establish their business in UAE. He has other businesses too. He is associated with Gate One properties. It is one of the renowned property companies in UAE. It is involved in the whole gamut of sales, leasing and property management. It offers outstanding services to various businesses, global investors etc. The company operates on the values that Mohamed. Dekkak has valued throughout his life. These are integrity, teamwork, excellence in providing service etc. Despite being a hardcore businessman, he is a soft core philanthropist. In fact, he has a reputation for being a philanthropist. There is an array of not-for-profit and charitable organizations that Mr. Dekkak presides over. • He is Executive President of Sahara Spirit Foundation. The Sahara Spirit Foundation works in the Sahara region of Morocco. The purpose is
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