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19 января 2017 года
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09 сентября 2024 в 01:05:41
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Информация не указана или скрыта настройками приватности
Информация не указана или скрыта настройками приватности
Project Development: active in project development of varying natures, and in various fields. Always looking to expand horizons and consider all kinds of opportunities and input.Innovation
All sorts, Crafts and other creative activities. Automotive restoration, Panel Beating, Spray Painting etc, motorcycles, firearms, coins & stamps other collectibles, history, fringe sciences, etc.
Various, many, I`ll fill this out later.
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Не указано или скрыто
Не указано или скрыто
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Не указано или скрыто
Disclosable: My name is Nikola Jakotic (pronounced roughly in Serbian, yah-kot-ich) {{Nik, Nick, Nicky, Niko}} My father & mother are Vaso & Sophia, Grandfather & Grandmother(dads side) was Nikola & Draginja, Great Grandfather was Jefto, Great Great Grandfather was Vaso. Serbian Orthodox. President/Owner Worldwide Soap LLC - Better World Products. Registered Trademarks. Diabetagon, Worldwide Soap, Soap Knuckles. Self published, printing, sizing, binding. Fad Dieting: ISBN:9780980513301 Twitter On Heat: ISBN:9780980513325 Internet: In its various capacities with regard to communications and opportunity, website construction etc. Have numerous virtual real-estate/domain names. Consultancy: Various. Petrochemical: Involvement in general trading and procurement activities on a wide scale. Including Oil and its various by-products, such as Fuel Oil, Diesel, Condensed Gas, Bitumen, etc. and is involved in intermediary services for various companies/individuals. One such company, represents exclusively a company in Russia, -an important internal oil operator/processor. And activity with Lukoil, Slavneft, Surgutneftgaz, Minenegro(in organizing deals with Equities Dept). Good relations with refineries, such as the Ufa Group(Bashkyrya, Russian Federation), are established via an associate. Continuity to establish working relations with various others. Military: Engaged in communications with various Government bodies, with view to organize provision of Military Hardware/Equipment. (items originating in the Russian Federation or elsewhere). Security: have provided security personnel on various levels, including VIP protection. One such instance, in co-operation with other companies security has provided in high profile court case of a late mining magnate. Project Development: active in project development of varying natures, and in various fields. Always looking to expand horizons and consider all kinds of opportunities and input.Innovation Hobbies/Interests: All sorts, Crafts and other creative activities. Automotive restoration, Panel Beating, Spray Painting etc, motorcycles, firearms, coins & stamps other collectibles, history, fringe sciences, etc.
Скрыто или не заполнено
Скрыто или не заполнено
Скрыто или не заполнено
Скрыто или не заполнено
Not Listed, background Orthodoxy , pre-Orthodoxy
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