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ID: sereneceramics
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25 августа 2018 года
6 лет 4 месяца 1 день
20 мая 2021 в 23:07:04
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SERENE CERAMICS is a ceramic art and design studio that works hard to change hearts, minds and habits. We believe ceramics has the power to do more than sell a product, but that is can make a difference through altering perceptions, emotions and actions for the good of us all. From texture, temperature, size and function, a good pot conveys the individual character and culture of the potter with the nature of his materials. We also believe in being positive and focused about what we love, and we love what we do
Pottery - Traditional Pottery - Mingei - Kogei - Japan - Korea - China - Glaze - Shino - Salt - Tenmoku - Copper - Oxblood - Oribe - Magnesium - Crystalline - Craftsmanship - Quality - Functional - Purpose - Utilitarian - Handy - Warmth - Love - Pottery for Peace - Cups - Bowls - Plates - Jugs - Kiln - Form
CONTACT: - PH: +61422 352 932 - IM: m.me/sereneceramics - E-mail: seanjacksonpottery@gmail.com - Website: http://www.sereneceramics.com/ - - KakaoStory: sereneceramics - KakaoTalk: sereneceramics - Kik: sereneceramics - LINE: sereneceramics - Pinterest: sereneceramics - QQ: 2578555368 - Instagram: sereneceramics - Skype: sereneceramics@gmx.com - Tumblr: sereneceramics - Twitch: sereneceramics - Twitter: sereneceramics - Viber: +61422352932 - Vimeo: sereneceramics - WeChat: sereneceramics - Whatsapp: +61422352932 - YouTube: sereneceramics - PATREON: www.patreon.com/sereneceramics - Snapchat: sereneceramics - Flickr: sereneceramics - Etsy: sereneceramics - Amazon: sereneceramics - E-Bay: sereneceramics - BIGO LIVE: 214567052 - Periscope: sereneceramics - Twitcasting: sereneceramics
Registered Business Name: SERENE CERAMICS - Australian Business Number. - ABN: 66996142836 www.paypal.me/sereneceramics
- A Potter's Book (Bernard Leach) - Macro-Crystalline Glazes (Peter Isley) - Pottery Handbook (Simon Leach) - High-Fire Glazes (John Britt) - Ash Glazes (Phil Rogers) - Soul of a Bowl (Tom Coleman) - Glazes: A Systematic Approach (Ian Currie)
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"We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love... and then we return home."
- Aboriginal proverb.
With a master degree in art and design focused on the field of ceramics, SERENE CERAMICS is ever seeking new ways to preserve and protect aspects of past craftsmanship. With over 10 years of industry experience and training in traditional practice overseas in Italy, China, Korea and Japan, SERENE CERAMICS continually aims to find ways of preservation in specific techniques lost or endangered due to dramatically changing industrialization, manufacturing methodology and shifting social perspectives. With a core focus to analyse historical technologies, new techniques are developed. This application has enabled production of a hybrid craft in our modern era of contemporary art and design. The hand made ceramic ware is fired up to 1300°C via a variety of methods to enable maximum strength, durability and safety for the user. Based in Sydney Australia, SERENE CERAMICS aims to revive appreciation towards pottery with an emphasis on practice-based research resulting in diverse approaches to alchemy via testing, analysis and development. The practice is research based with avid involvement to community support and education.
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