Gundam Tanaka - полная информация о профиле человека

фотография Gundam Tanaka

Gundam Tanaka


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Основная информация о Tanaka Gundam

  • Имя


  • Фамилия


  • Пол


  • День рождения


  • Месяц рождения


  • Год рождения


  • Дата рождения


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  • Кто по гороскопу


  • Страна

    Не указана

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    Не указан

  • Город проживания

    Не указан

  • Электронная почта (email)


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    Не известен

  • Владение языками

    English, 日本語, Русский, Français

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    Не указан

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    Не указан

  • Skype

    Не указан

  • VK ссылка


  • Личный сайт

    Не указан

Основная информация о его VK профиле

  • Галочка верификации


  • Дата регистрации профиля ВКонтакте

    29 апреля 2019 года

  • Прошло после регистрации

    5 лет 1 месяц 29 дней

  • Онлайн ли сейчас


  • Когда был онлайн

    10 августа 2020 в 10:20:03

  • С какого устройства заходил

    С компьютера

  • ID профиля


  • Никнейм (псевдоним)

    Короткий адрес страницы (домен, никнейм) не задан

Настройки приватности страницы Gundam

  • Можно ли отправить личное сообщение?

    Такая возможность отключена

  • Разрешены ли записи на стене?


  • Статус профиля VK


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    Нет данных

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  • Фотографии


  • Видеозаписи


  • Аудиозаписи


  • Группы


  • Паблики


Где учился и работал

  • Школа

    みどり清朋高等学校 (Midoriseiho High School)

  • ВУЗ

    Информация не указана или скрыта настройками приватности

  • Работа

    Информация не указана или скрыта настройками приватности

Хобби, интересы, увлечения

  • Деятельность

    Не указано или скрыто

  • Интересы

    Не указано или скрыто

  • Любимая музыка

    Не указано или скрыто

  • Любимые фильмы

    Не указано или скрыто

  • Любимые книги

    Не указано или скрыто

  • Любимые игры

    Не указано или скрыто

  • Любимые TV-шоу

    Скрыто или не указано

  • Любимые цитаты

    Не указано или скрыто

  • О себе

    Gundham Tanaka is a student of Hope's Peak Academy's Class 77-B, and a participant of the Killing School Trip featured in Danganronpa 2: Goodbye Despair. His title is the Ultimate Breederit. He, along with Class 77-B, return in Danganronpa 3: The End of Hope's Peak High School to explore their school life leading up to The Tragedy. Gundham has an eccentric and somewhat dark personality, his delusions of self-grandeur likely stemming from an inferiority complex and chuunibyou syndrome. He claims that he was gifted with evil powers of the underworld, the result of "an angel and a devil" joining together. Gundham refers to other people as "pathetic human beings" and states that even the gods fear his abilities. He often rambles about his status as "The Supreme Overlord of Ice" and his interest in the dark arts, alchemy, and astral levels. Preferring to be alone, he prioritizes himself and taking care of the Devas over connecting with his classmates. For instance, in 1-2, he failed to help investigate the murder of his classmate after he lost the Hell Hound Earring and obsessed over recovering it. As a result, he initially comes off as self-centered and aloof. Despite making a poor first impression, Gundham offers comic relief in what he says to Danganronpa players and other characters. His outlandish responses and dramatic voice acting are reminiscent of a cartoon super villain. He sometimes goes as far as to compliment other characters if they say a "nice line," which teases at breaking the fourth wall. Gundham is notably contradictory—during his introduction, he tells Hajime Hinata to step forward and introduce himself, for Gundham will destroy Hajime once he does. It is heavily implied that though Gundham appears prideful and shuns spending time with mere mortals, he may actually feel lonely. He tends to cover up how he feels alienated from others; for instance, he claimed that he was "searching for solitude" before slowly wandering off. Gundham's harsh facade conceals a softer, more sensitive side. Sonia's compliments cause him to blush and hide the bottom half of his face in his scarf; he even stammers a little. However, it's hinted that Gundham has serious problems with socializing and physical contact. He has been strict about not wanting to touch nor be touched by others since childhood, going as far as to avoid sports and playing with other children. In his typical manner, Gundham claims that his flesh is "poisoned" to disguise his fear of intimacy. He tells Hajime that he can only be touched by very specific persons with astral levels that match his own. Throughout the game, he improves a little with handling both social and physical contact. Though he may be awkward around other people, Gundham deeply cares about animals (despite how he refers to them as his evil minions to stay in line with his overlord persona). He claims that anything that can talk "will eventually betray you," suggesting that he has been hurt by others in the past and prefers to trust animals for their loyalty and sincere nature. Gundham demands that animals are treated with respect. He uses his talents to educate people who don't know how to properly take care of animals - during his Free Time Events, Gundham tells Hajime that he maintains an informational website about breeding. He also says that he pities livestock for being raised for the sole purpose of human consumption. This may mean that Gundham is a vegetarian or vegan; on the other hand, his words may imply that he is only against eating animals defiled by human involvement. He takes great offense to people interfering with animals' natural instincts and autonomy. In Island Mode, Gundham reveals that he even hates anthropomorphic cartoons of animals, likely because their human-like behavior insults the dignity of the animals they are based on. Gun

Жизненная позиция

  • Главным в жизни считает

    Скрыто или не заполнено

  • Главным в людях считает

    Скрыто или не заполнено

  • Политические предпочтения

    Скрыто или не заполнено

  • Источники вдохновения

    Скрыто или не заполнено

  • Мировоззрение

    Скрыто или не заполнено

  • Как относится к алкоголю

    Скрыто или не заполнено

  • Как относится к курению

    Скрыто или не заполнено

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