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Heavy involvement in the development of Diaspora talent for Kenya. Urging members of the Diaspora in the 193 countries around the world to stop complaining about the corruption, impunity and greed of the current Kenya leadership and actually do something about it. Politics is for everyone and not just for the few. Positive change will only come to Kenya if everyone sensitizes those around them on how to elect sincere, educated and accountable leaders. In addition, by using a Diaspora engine such as the Diaspora Movement of Kenya (DMK), your voice can be heard because it one of the many voices pushing for the same thing. If we do not get together as young persons of different backgrounds and declare total war on the ills that have kept Kenya on top of the most corrupt countries in the world, and near the bottom of the chart of developing countries, then that is where Kenya will remain. So, stop the noise and make calculated, planned and coordinated efforts to make sure that we do not recycle the same old, same old selfish leadership. Support the Diaspora Movement of Kenya and other similar grass-roots change organizations. The future of Kenya is squarely in your hands.
Good governance in Kenya and the development of institutions rather than personalities.
Anything by young patriotic Kenyan musicians.
The Long Walk Of Nelson Mandela (1999)
Breaking Barriers, Creating New Hopes: Democracy, Civil Society, and Good Governance in Africa. - By Abdalla and Said Adejumobi. Bujra. Publisher: Africa World Press (2002) Africa: Dispatches from a Fragile Continent - By Blaine Hardens. Publisher: Mariner Books (1991) ISBN-10: 0395597463 ISBN-13: 978-0395597460 The Shackled Continent: Power, Corruption, and African Lives. - By Robert Guest. Publisher: HarperCollins Publishers (2004). ISBN-13: 9781588342140 Poverty, Livelihoods, and Governance in Africa: Fulfilling the Development Promise. - By Kempe Ronald Hope Sr. Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan (2008) ISBN-10: 0230608345 ISBN-13: 978-0230608344 The Fate of Africa: A History of Fifty Years of Independence. - By Martin Meredith. Publisher: Public Affairs (2006) ISBN-10: 1586483986 ISBN-13: 978-1586483982 State building and democratization in Africa: faith, hope, and realities. - By Kidane Mengisteab, Cyril Daddieh - Publisher: Praeger (1999) # ISBN-10: 0275963535 # ISBN-13: 978-0275963538 The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream. By Barack Obama. Publisher: Vintage; Reprint edition (2008) ISBN-10: 0307455874 ISBN-13: 978-0307455871 Political liberalization and democratization in Africa: lessons from country. - By Julius Omozuanvbo Ihonvbere, John Mukum Mbaku. Publisher: Praeger Publishers (2003) ISBN-10: 0275975061 ISBN-13: 978-0275975067 The Secretary-General's agenda: sustainable development in Africa requires g
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The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil, is for good men & women to do nothing. - Edmund Burke
Motivated, stopping at nothing, I'LL DIE TRYING !
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