Paris Summer, 31 год - полная информация о профиле человека

фотография Paris Summer

Paris Summer

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Основная информация о Summer Paris

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Основная информация о его VK профиле

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  • Дата регистрации профиля ВКонтакте

    16 января 2010 года

  • Прошло после регистрации

    14 лет 4 месяца 14 дней

  • Онлайн ли сейчас


  • Когда был онлайн

    18 августа 2011 в 17:38:06

  • С какого устройства заходил

    С компьютера

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    Короткий адрес страницы (домен, никнейм) не задан

Настройки приватности страницы Paris

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    Такая возможность есть

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Где учился и работал

  • Школа

    Александровская гимназия
    Класс: б
    Сумы, Украина

    Школа № 52 им. Лобачевского
    Класс: а
    Львов, Украина

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Хобби, интересы, увлечения

  • Деятельность

    THIS IS THE GET-TO-KNOW-ME TEXT THAT YOU MOST LIKELY WON'T READ. Funny, huh? Yeah, well here comes the funny part. If you ain't gonna read, you ain't gonna spam my inbox with your shit. Read it, mate. Obviously I must be much interesting if you've started reading, no? As you are all perfectly able to see, I’m not another one of them. Let's see if you're like me, not in need of reading the words to know what is written. By that I'm trying to tell you to figure out on your own who I am not another one of. There is a big possibility that when you started reading you expected me to write about myself. Am I right? If I'm not you must let me know O.O Because that is what I'm planning on doing! :'D I was not born yesterday and I won’t leave this earth tomorrow! :’D (I suppose) Go ahead make a guess about my age, if you feel like. 'Cause, no, I'm not 95. I really hope you didn't think. I chose the year of 1914 to be my birth year 'cause it's the beginning of World War 1 ^^ Even though I'm a much bigger fan of Second World War. Probably 'cause I've studied it for a presentation about Japan from 1900-1945. December 7th 1941 - Pearl Harbor August 6th 1945 - Hiroshima Dates to be remembered. Dates that have made history, I suppose you could say. (Anyways, no, my profile doesn't say I'm 95, but it did at the time I wrote the text). ANYWAYS!<3 I live in Sumy, which I’m not at all happy about='( after every second sentence that I now so badly regret ever came out of my mouth! And be sure that they won't ever do again ._. I probably won’t talk to you if you have such a hard time to understand what I’m saying. It really isn't that hard to understand, and if you have problems understanding: hold din kæft med dit hvaaad ._. Yes, it is really that simple. And, yes: I actually understand what YOU people are saying! >.< Enough anger for now. But of course I could be mistaken… Raise your hand up in the air and give me a wink if you can’t seem to understand. Great! We have come to an understanding. Truth to be told, to move has made me develop in so many ways. It was a change in life that came when it was needed. But now I feel it is soon time to end this chapter of my life. Just so you don't think I see it as nothing but bad, I'll tell you it is now an appreciated change, though I did not see it that way when it first came. It just hit me that I have yet to write about my interests XD To start with: I'm a good shopping-buddy! I never get tired! ^^ Now that was one of my interest. Second... I have to mention school and studies. It's not my passion, but a great interest since my grades are really that important to me! Now I'll just add the keywords xD - Psysics - Languages - to learn new ones as well as improving my vocab in the already known ones - To learn about different cultures - Traveling and to experience anything new - Cooking - Math - Rather... special people! And that was the end of that xD Next on I'd like to tell you that I don't watch TV, nor do I read the newspaper... so I won't know about any great disaster down in Ukraine or our politicians or whatever you could feel like discussing with me oO And yes! I'm a huge, very small, not too big, perfect size elf! :]] I'm 187 cm tall. Be sure to meet me when I'm in one of my better moods, so that way you will experience me... in a good way. Off topic... I draw pics! :'D Make some great impression on me, and I'll sure draw for you one! Really gotta be some great impression for me to have anything to draw.... Ah, well... mmm, yeeeah.

  • Интересы

    You should just see the look on my face, it'd be a whole lot better. And I don't really draw much pics... only when I'm waaaay out in something that I can't come out of. Yeeeeah. So, I don't wanna draw for you any pic. Off topic again. No matter how you read this, you read it wrong. You can't possibly read it as I wrote it =) So it's wrong. You gotta hear me write it. Yes, hear me. I speak as I write.... OMG, that dude is annoying! ._. This is no more random than I was as I wrote this, kay? "What the fuck, are you on something?"...Heck yes. And whoeva' gets me is welcome to write me! xD hahahahaha. No seriously, I'm not on anything. I'm sure I have as much fun as those who are though, just by being... M..e. "Y..ou?" J...a. I know most of you lost me a long time ago. So did I. That makes three of us =) ._. I just realized I wasn't in the mood to study after all. But I bet I eat faster than you. And right now, I'm mad 'cause I can't go on msn... I need that to study. Or so I keep telling myself oO I'm stressed 'cause it's my history exam tomorrow and I haven't read a a shit. Yeeah, so... I probably should. But I don't care right now. I don't care enough to work to be the best, but I care when I'm not. Why is this text grey? Oh, that's 'cause it's of no importance really and you don't... oh, I should have told you earlier? Sorry 'bout that... you didn't have to read it. Me, myself and I aren't always friends. I'm not trying to tell you that I suffer from schizophrenia ._. I'm just trying to tell you that I don't always love myself! D: I really wish I could agree with myself, which I can't. I change my opinion as often as I change my opinion on what to write... As often as I change my opinion on what to write, I change my opinion about... most… something... some... a lot... no,, most would be better. . Of course I don't! I stand up for my very strong opinions…That are only strong until I change them. I can't agree with myself at the moment. It is because I am more right than I am, and I'm not sure who of them are right. That'd be me of course. What I am trying to tell you is that I can't agree with myself.... So indeed I am telling you. I'm glad we all agree :] Okay, so for all of you who had no idea about the point of the text above, it was that I can't decide for myself what my actual opinion is. After having a conversation with a gentleman of VF, we did both agree that I don’t change my opinions, but my opinions change after what personality I have at the moment. ‘Cause so indeed, I do have many. Call it changing moods or whatever you like, but personality would be better use of words I believe. Before I speak my mind about something, I've changed the words that are soon to be spoken a hundred times. And yet I'm not sure whether I actually agree in what I just said. Of course I don't feel that way about Everything. Certain things I'm sure I couldn't ever change my mind about. Let’s move on to something else :DD Yeeeei. I am now going to waste 9 seconds of your life to have you read this: Life is an opportunity to live. Given to us at birth, taken from us at the time we die. You can easily end it yourself. That is why it is optional to live. No matter what, to live will cost you your life. So don’t waste this great opportunity! :D You have your life to lose. Now I would like to add that I change my profiletext so damn often because I like writing. I dedicate a massive amount of my spare time to write. In English - not so often tho'. Why? Because of the entertainment in it and to improve it.

  • Любимая музыка

    QUESTIONS “How are you?” Answer to the question: Bad. Next. Next question :D “Why are you feeling bad?” Answer to the question: Because you ask stupid questions. Next. Next question :D “What is your opinion about death penalty?” Answer to the question: I am against death penalty. I am against death penalty because humans are the only creatures aware of their own existence and aware of the difference between right and wrong. With that knowledge we should not kill each other, as killing is wrong. Killing each other and we are not better than animals. Lions cannot live in our society, nor can those who act like one. But that some of us act like animals, makes it not more justified for the rest of us to do, does it, no? So… what is my proposal then? Prison… lifetime – WHICH IS PRISON UNTIL DEATH DO YOU APART WITH IT! Next question :D “How do you feel about homosexuals?” Answer to the question: We should all respect them, and if you don’t, you don’t deserve their respect either… nor do you have any from me. Next question :D “What is your orientation?” Answer to the question: I consider myself straight. Next question :D “Why are you wearing a pink shirt?!” Answer to the questions: I’m not. Next question :D "What do you do in your spare time?" Answer to the question: That is another question that I rather live without. Last question D: “How come you change your profile so much, and make us read an even longer profile than the last?” Answer to the question: You might think it’s because I can’t agree with myself on how it should look, but no. Or that would be the second reason… Or also a very important reason but not the more important of the two reasons, that I consider turning into three. Anyways, the other reason is ‘cause I have lots of spare time.

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  • Любимые цитаты

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  • О себе

    THIS IS A WARNING! I am probably not anything like you imagine me to be. Now consider yourself warned. 5 THINGS YOU SHOULD KNOW BEFORE YOU WRITE TO ME 1. Don't ask me how I am, what I'm up to or anything similar to that. I probably won't answer, unless I see some great reason to. 2. I hate when people have nothing to say but the same every time they speak to me. 3. Iff u typ liek this dont whrit too me. 4. If u thyph w0rs ten dAt doNht even tINkh abut It. And when it's all said, I must let you know that if you find my English hard to read... it's really not my English there's something wrong with, it is perfectly understandable (and notice I said perfectly understandable not perfect). My way of writing it on the other hand, might be special considered what is normal ^^ Really, it's Me you don't get. Perfection is what makes this world imperfect. If the word perfect did not exist in our vocab, then it would not have been unattainable. <<>> !!

Жизненная позиция

  • Главным в жизни считает

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  • Главным в людях считает

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  • Политические предпочтения


  • Источники вдохновения

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  • Мировоззрение

  • Как относится к алкоголю

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  • Как относится к курению

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