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| | Money, rags, friends, drinking, freedom | |
| | Money, rags, friends, drinking, freedom | |
| | Money, rags, friends, drinking, freedom | |
| | Money, rags, friends, drinking, freedom | |
| | Money, rags, friends, drinking, freedom | |
| | Money, rags, friends, drinking, freedom | |
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You have no friends ... Cocaine - one more friend. He can and will make you, but not earlier than the rest ... - He is the only one who will end up with you. And then You have no friends ... Cocaine - one more friend. He can and will make you, but not earlier than the rest ... - He is the only one who will end up with you. And then You have no friends ... Cocaine - one more friend. He can and will make you, but not earlier than the rest ... - He is the only one who will end up with you. And then You have no friends ... Cocaine - one more friend. He can and will make you, but not earlier than the rest ... - He is the only one who will end up with you. And then You have no friends ... Cocaine - one more friend. He can and will make you, but not earlier than the rest ... - He is the only one who will end up with you. And then You have no friends ... Cocaine - one more friend. He can and will make you, but not earlier than the rest ... - He is the only one who will end up with you. And then You have no friends ... Cocaine - one more friend. He can and will make you, but not earlier than the rest ... - He is the only one who will end up with you. And then You have no friends ... Cocaine - one more friend. He can and will make you, but not earlier than the rest ... - He is the only one who will end up with you. And then also betray .. - But just that real friends ... ©
- Adrenaline - is when the breath and my heart stops for fear of new sensations. You were scared?
- A little ...
- Want more?
- Yes ... ©
I wanted to fuck you, and you're in love .. I was so touched and immediately hurt when I uttered these unfortunate three words.. No and never spoke with such feeling, but then wanted them to shout to the whole world and I heard screaming, and whispering and simply told, and even enjoy it .. © T.
- I went to dick ...
- But ...
- I said: Come on dick ... ©
It was the worst person in my life. Or better - I do not know. If you need to learn from their mistakes, it is - my best mistake. He - my most vivid and cherished failure .. ©
| Get up on my knees I'll make you dick in your mouth stajl |
| While we illuminates the neon light, baby, let's deviate to the toilet ... no! "Not for what to do blowjob, just talk tete-a-tete |
| I do not know how to love, I am printing his name on the table, in the margins of notebooks, not Torch on his page in his albums, can not imagine it when I listen to the pain, heavy music, do not cry at night from the offense | I do not know how to love, I am printing his name on the table, in the margins of notebooks, not Torch on his page in his albums, can not imagine it when I listen to the pain, heavy music, do not cry at night from the offense on his | | I do not know how to love, I am printing his name on the table, in the margins of notebooks, not Torch on his page in his albums, can not imagine it when I listen to the pain, heavy music, do not cry at night from the offense | I do not know how to love, I am printing his name on the table, in the margins of notebooks, not Torch on his page in his albums, can not imagine it when I listen to the pain, heavy music, do not cry at night from the offense on his | indifference, I just smoke and play CS | | We can get rid of the disease with medications, but the only cure for loneliness, Despair and hopelessness - is love. In the world there are many people who are dying of hunger, but even more those who die from the fact that they lack love | Contact: Wallery52 (Skype) Wallery Papallona (ooVoo) http://km44322975.beon.ru/ (my blog) █ █ █ vkontakte January 18, 2009 █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ Hmmm no, I think we have not made friends (s) █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █
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I believe in sex at the big city
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