„Грехи других судить Вы так усердно рветесь, начните со своих и до чужих не доберетесь.“ Шекспир
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"If for an instant God forgot that I rag puppet, and would give me a piece of life, I would have probably not said what I think, but it certainly would have thought I was saying. I would value things not for how much they cost, but for how much they mean. I would sleep less, would love more, knowing that at any moment, when we close our eyes we lose sixty seconds of light. I would go, while the rest are not asleep, while others are sleeping. I would listen, while others say and how I would have enjoyed the wonderful taste of chocolate ice cream. If God gave me another moment of life, I would dress modestly to lay in the sun, the warm rays of the substitute is not only my body but also my soul. Lord, if I had a heart, I would write all his hatred on ice and wait until the sun comes out. I would draw sleep / dream of Van Gogh on the stars a poem by Benedetti, and Serrat song would be the serenade I'd presented the moon. I would have poured tears rose to feel the pain of their thorns and the incarnated Kiss petals ... Lord, if I had remained a piece of life, I would not spend a single day without telling the people I love that I love them. I would make sure each of my dear people in my love, and I would live in love with love. I would explain to those who are wrong, considering that no longer fall in love, when age, not realizing that the age when they no longer fall in love! To a child I would have presented the wings, but allowed himself to fly. Old I would have been convinced that death comes not with old age but with forgetting. I learned so much from you men, I realized that the whole world wants to live in the mountains, not realizing that true happiness is how we climb up the hill. I realized that from the moment when the first newborn baby in his compress little fist finger father, he never sent away. I realized that one has the right to look at the other with the high only when it helps him up. There are so many things that I could still learn a lot from you people, but, in actual fact, they are unlikely to be useful, because when I put in that suitcase, unfortunately I will be dead. Always Say what you feel, and do what you think. If I knew that today was the last time I see you asleep, I would have hugged and prayed to God to make me your Guardian Angel. If I knew that today I see the last time, as you go out the door, I would have hugged, kissed you and called again to give you more. If I knew, I hear your voice the last time, I would have taped everything that you say, to listen to it again and again, endlessly. If I knew that these last moments, when I see you, I would say I love you and I did not expect, you fool, it's what you already know. There is always tomorrow, and life gives us another opportunity that would fix it, but if I am wrong, and today is all that we have left, I want to tell you how much I love you, and that you will never forget. Neither the boy nor the old man can not be sure that he will come tomorrow. Today may be the last time you see the ones you love. So do not wait for something, do it now, because if tomorrow never comes, you'll regret the day when you could not find time for a smile, a hug, a kiss, and when you were too busy to fulfill the last wish. Keep the people closest to you, whisper in their ear, as you need them, love them and treat them with care, take time to say "I'm sorry", "forgive me", "please and thank you," and all the words love that you know. Nobody could remember you for your thoughts. Ask the Lord for wisdom and strength to talk about how you feel. Show your friends how important they are to you. If you do not say today, tomorrow will be the same as yesterday. And if you do not, never, nothing will matter. Realize their dreams. This moment has come. "
— Скажите, пожалуйста, куда мне отсюда идти?
— А куда ты хочешь попасть? — ответил Кот.
— Мне все равно… — сказала Алиса.
— Тогда все равно, куд
меня НЕТ!
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