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I'm me, who are you? I tell things the way they are. I cut straight to the paint. I'm me, and will always be myself. I dont try to act like someone else, I dont try to dress like someone else, I'm me, if you dont like it then just leave me alone. I dont care about what others think of me. I'm happy just being me, I dont want to be anyone else. I'm unique, One of a kind. I'm me, noone can be me. I'm me, myself, Not you, her, them or anyone. I'm me, take it or leave it.
I'm me, who are you? I tell things the way they are. I cut straight to the paint. I'm me, and will always be myself. I dont try to act like someone else, I dont try to dress like someone else, I'm me, if you dont like it then just leave me alone. I dont care about what others think of me. I'm happy just being me, I dont want to be anyone else. I'm unique, One of a kind. I'm me, noone can be me. I'm me, myself, Not you, her, them or anyone. I'm me, take it or leave it.
I'm me, who are you? I tell things the way they are. I cut straight to the paint. I'm me, and will always be myself. I dont try to act like someone else, I dont try to dress like someone else, I'm me, if you dont like it then just leave me alone. I dont care about what others think of me. I'm happy just being me, I dont want to be anyone else. I'm unique, One of a kind. I'm me, noone can be me. I'm me, myself, Not you, her, them or anyone. I'm me, take it or leave it.
I'm me, who are you? I tell things the way they are. I cut straight to the paint. I'm me, and will always be myself. I dont try to act like someone else, I dont try to dress like someone else, I'm me, if you dont like it then just leave me alone. I dont care about what others think of me. I'm happy just being me, I dont want to be anyone else. I'm unique, One of a kind. I'm me, noone can be me. I'm me, myself, Not you, her, them or anyone. I'm me, take it or leave it.
I'm me, who are you? I tell things the way they are. I cut straight to the paint. I'm me, and will always be myself. I dont try to act like someone else, I dont try to dress like someone else, I'm me, if you dont like it then just leave me alone. I dont care about what others think of me. I'm happy just being me, I dont want to be anyone else. I'm unique, One of a kind. I'm me, noone can be me. I'm me, myself, Not you, her, them or anyone. I'm me, take it or leave it.
I'm me, who are you? I tell things the way they are. I cut straight to the paint. I'm me, and will always be myself. I dont try to act like someone else, I dont try to dress like someone else, I'm me, if you dont like it then just leave me alone. I dont care about what others think of me. I'm happy just being me, I dont want to be anyone else. I'm unique, One of a kind. I'm me, noone can be me. I'm me, myself, Not you, her, them or anyone. I'm me, take it or leave it.
Скрыто или не указано
I'm me,who are you?
I tell things the way they are.
I cut straight to the paint.
I'm me,and will always be myself.
I dont try to act like someone else,
I dont try to dress like someone else,
I'm me,if you dont like it then just leave me alone.
I dont care about what others think of me.
I'm happy just being me,
I dont want to be anyone else.
I'm unique,
One of a kind.
I'm me,noone can be me.
I'm me,myself,
Not you,her,them or anyone.
I'm me,take it or leave it.
I'm me,who are you? I tell things the way they are. I cut straight to the paint. I'm me,and will always be myself. I dont try to act like someone else, I dont try to dress like someone else, I'm me,if you dont like it then just leave me alone. I dont care about what others think of me. I'm happy just being me, I dont want to be anyone else. I'm unique, One of a kind. I'm me,noone can be me. I'm me,myself, Not you,her,them or anyone. I'm me,take it or leave it.
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Скрыто или не заполнено
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А теперь ещё раз, коротко:
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