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American action movie actor, producer - making moovies, writer, martial artist, singer-songwriter, director
Aikido, jitsu
Don't watch moovies, 'cause i have got no time
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End of a Gun (2016) The Perfect Weapon (2016) Code of Honor (2016) Absolution (2015) Sniper: Special Ops (2015 Gutshot Straight (2014) Force of Execution (2013) Maximum Conviction (2012) True Justice (2011-2012) Deadly crossing (2011) Born to raise Hell (2010) Machete (2010) A dagerous Man (2009) Against the Dark (2009) The Onion Moovie (2008) Ruslan (Driven to kill) (2008) Kill Switch (2008) Prince of Pistols (2008) Killing Point (2008) A Higher Form of Learning (2008) The Untitled Onion Movie (2008) Pistol Whipped (2008) Urban Justice (2007) Flight of Fury (2007) Attack Force (2006) Shadow Man (2006) Mercenary for Justice (2006) Black Dawn (2005) (V) Today You Die (2005) Submerged (2005) Into the Sun (2005) Out of Reach (2004) Clementine (2004) Belly of the Beast (2003) The Foreigner (2003) Half Past Dead (2002) Ticker (2001) Exit Wounds (2001) The Patriot (1998) Fire Down Below (1997) The Glimmer Man (1996) Executive Decision (1996) Under The Siege 2: Dark Territory (1995) On Deadly Ground (1994) Under The Siege (1992) Out for Justice (1991) . Marked for Death (1990) Hard to Kill (1990) Above the Law (1988) Don't like to write more that's there is The information from my site. "Born in Lansing, Michigan on April 10, 1952, Steven Seagal is a man of diverse character whose spiritual beliefs and humanity are woven into every aspect of his life. A son of a Math teacher and a Medical Technician, Steven's humble childhood was underscored by a fascination with the Martial Arts and the blues. Some would say that this is a strange combination, but ask any Martial Arts expert or blues legend and they will both tell you that it is the spirit that reaches deep within your soul that drives the artistry. Call it an obsession or a calling, Steven Seagal mastered Martial Arts at an early age, becoming a 7th degree black belt and Aikido master, while at the same time, has become an accomplished blues musician, releasing his second album in 2005, the critically "Born in Lansing, Michigan on April 10, 1952, Steven Seagal is a man of diverse character whose spiritual beliefs and humanity are woven into every aspect of his life. A son of a Math teacher and a Medical Technician, Steven's humble childhood was underscored by a fascination with the Martial Arts and the blues. Some would say that this is a strange combination, but ask any Martial Arts expert or blues legend and they will both tell you that it is the spirit that reaches deep within your soul that drives the artistry. Call it an obsession or a calling, Steven Seagal mastered Martial Arts at an early age, becoming a 7th degree black belt and Aikido master, while at the same time, has become an accomplished blues musician, releasing his second album in 2005, the critically acclaimed Mojo Priest. Most of us know Steven for his roles as an action hero with an acting career that was launched from his Los Angeles Dojo in the late 80's where he taught Martial Arts to the likes of Sean Connery, James Coburn and the famed talent agent, Michael Ovitz. It was Mr. Ovitz who paved the way for Steven to co-write and star in his first and hugely successful action film "Above the Law" in 1988 and from there it launched a career of over 20 movies and $2 billion in box office receipts. Steven immerses himself in his work on the screen, writing, producing, directing and acting. His films include box office successes such as Hard to Kill, Marked for Death, Under Siege, Executive Decision, Glimmer Man, and Exit Wounds to name a few, all are well regarded for their storylines and Most of us know Steven for his roles as an action hero with an acting career that was launched from his Los Angeles Dojo in the late 80's where he taught Martial Arts to the likes of Sean Connery, James Coburn and the fa
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